Introducing Cooking with a Side of Murder
So I had this idea a couple of months ago when I was making breakfast and listening to one of my favorite murder podcasts. I decided that all I wanted to do was cook food and talk about murder. So I immediately started googling to see if this was already a thing and somehow it wasn’t. I mean there are books and hallmark movies about cooking and murder just not anything like this. If there is an I missed it please let me know so I can give credit. After that, I started creating a YouTube channel, and socials needed to do this. Cause I’m the person who has all these cool ideas and I realized a long time ago that if I don’t act on them or actually start them then I won’t do it. If you have read Big Magic, it talks about this that if you have an idea and don’t do anything with it can get passed to someone else. That story stuck with me, so if it’s something that I’m really excited about I try act on it.
I filmed the first episode after a couple of weeks of preparing so that I could just get it over with and stop wasting time. Mainly so I can gauge what changes I need to make to the whole process. I was going to work on another episode but then the murder of George Floyd happened and the climate of the world changes. Which it should have cause its time the world starts changing. So I put this project on hold for a bit. It just wasn’t the time for it. So I took this time to educate myself and realize that we need to join together and fight for the greater good. Honestly being an empath makes it’s hard to take the news sometimes but this wasn’t something that can be ignored. The world is a sudden fucked up place and we have to change things to make it better for all of us.
So I took the break to reevaluate things and formulate a better plan of attack for this. I’m going to do the Channel then also include blog posts to go with them.
Hopefully, this will help make it easier for my chaotic brain and also help me do the proper research on the topics I will be talking about.
Feedback is appreciated.
Here is to the start of this.