November Play! by Sephora

This month's box is Survival of the Chillest. I really dig it. The products are some important products that you need to survive. Also, this pamphlet in it you can color. Which seems crazy but I personally love it. I  just need to find time to color it.  Actually,   I kinda wish they would have included some crayons.

This bag is simple, black and white, and fits the child theme.

Amika Perk up Dry Shampoo.  A brand I've not heard of before. I really like the colorful 70's vibe design it has. Lucky for me this box came on a day I had dirty hair and couldn't find my other dry shampoo. I sprayed this stuff in and let it sit for about 5-10 mins then brushed it through.  It was pretty effective. I did feel like my hair was still gross later on a couple hours after using it though. So I used it again, it was ok until the next day when I had to wash my hair. I'm still on the fence about this one. It worked but didn't seem to last as long as some of the other ones I've used have. Maybe my hair was just too dirty, I know something that can cause it not to work right. Anyone else has any issues with it?


Sephora's Rouge Cream in The Red. I like the random Sephora brand products especially the lipsticks that I get in these boxes sometimes. They are always a lovely color and it's a good go-to color to keep around if you need it. It's a simple formula that doesn't dry out your lips. This one is a classic red and I really like it.


My Burberry Parfum by Burberry. This is maybe the  2nd Burberry product I've tried. The 1st one was a  primer I got with some points or something. This one is a light scent of some strangely lovely floral mixture I can't pinpoint, maybe roses. I really love it actually. It's not too much that it's gonna choke you're to death but just enough to make you feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.

Farmacy's Honey Drop.  I have recently discovered Farmacy and I'm pretty in love.  I have tried their honey face mask as well. I will tell you between this and that they are on the top of their honey face care game.

This stuff is a light formula, It's goes on smooth and leaves your face just as smooth. Also a little goes a long way which is always a big plus for me. It smells pretty good too. I'm pretty in love. Now I just need to try it with the face mask and see how my skin feels.


Velvet Noir Major Volume Mascara by Marc Jacobs. I love mascara. This is the 2nd Marc Jacobs one I've been able to get my paws on. I love it. It's great.


I love a mascara with a good brush applicator on it.  This one is a great formula, coats your lashes in perfection, makes them long, and you don't have to cake it on.  I have used this with and without my usually mascara primer. I'm extremely happy with it. Marc has never let me down.

This box was perfect! everything I got is great and I don't have any major issues with it. I continue to luck out with my Play! boxes. What did you all get?

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