Vamp Stamp


I have been seeing these things since the beginning of the year.  I randomly came across them on the wish app and decided to try them.  I got a  Medium and a Large. I will break down both of them


The boxes are exactly the same. so I decided to include it in the beginning. It gives you a  breakdown of the actual stamp then some instructions. Simple enough and gets the  point across.

Side note before I break down each stamp. I used liquid eyeliner pens. I've not tried it using an eyeliner pot. Only because I'm not sure what brand to go with. If anyone has any recommendation please let me know.

Let's start with the Medium.

hjbjhb (1).jpg

The stamp is actually pretty perfect. It's nice little tool shape and is in a triangle. Which works since it's easier to hold. 


It does have a side for each eye. I really like it instead of trying to figure out how to flip it over and do both eyes with one side.

So I have a process thing going here. Please ignore my bags. I like to  do my  eye makeup  before foundation and  stuff

Anyways moving on. The  1st  picture was my  1st attempt which was really shitty.  So I  redid it. The  2nd is better but it didn't go on dark.  I was able to fill it in and it looks pretty good. It may work better with the eyeliner pot but with just coating it with the liquid eyeliner and put it on.  It does work as a good guide or stepping stone for the cat eye look.

Let's move on to the Large.


The Large is the same set up it's just a bit bigger. I wanted to include the actual stamp part of it so you can see the shape of it.

The 1st picture is right after the stamp. It worked a lot better but I also used a different eyeliner. The 2nd picture is after I filled it in and added some to it.

I really dig these stamps. They are nice to have around if you aren't good a hand freeing a cat eye or just are just lazy.  I prefer the large one to the medium cause it gives you more to work with.

I got these off the wish app and paid about $2 a piece for them.



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