The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo


As a fan of Amy Schumer in general from her TV show which I will binge watch any time I get the chance even if I've seen it before.  It's a  good show to binge watch when nothing is on. I was really excited about this book. My wife surprised me with this one last Christmas. I read it in about  2 weeks. It was really a  great book that its super easy read with its short story like chapters.

She tells you stories about everything from her childhood to starting her career. She includes personal stories that you can relate to from bad summer camp experience to embarrassment from her parents. Seriously if you can't relate to at least one of her tales then I don't know what to tell you.

I was really impressed that she did include a chapter on the two women that were killed in a  movie theater shooting of her movie Trainwreck. I wasn't really aware completely of what happened, but she gives a bit of insight to it. It was something she didn't have to do but she wanted to because in a little way it did affect her even though she wasn't there.  I couldn't even imagine creating something like a comedy that is supposed to bring joy and some so tragic happens. The world is a fucked up place and it seems like no one is doing anything to stop it. I also like that at the end of the book she includes a short chapter to speak about ending gun control. She does work with her cousin Senator Chuck Schumer to take a stand against gun laws.  This is not me bashing guns in any way. I'm all for free rights but with the shit that is happening in the world these days as to end at some point. Something needs to be done for the safety of everyone. We got to stop killing each other.

I have recommended this book to everyone who has asked about it. It is a good read and you will find yourself not only laughing, but crying.  It was written perfecting in only a  way that Amy Schumer herself could do it. Seriously I read the whole thing in her voice which I tend to do with autobiographies.

Anyone else read this? what are your thoughts on it? Got any recommendations?


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