Silicone Mask


This week's product of the week is a weird one. I read about someone using this in a Buzzfeed article of cheap beauty products Celebrities love. Yeah, Yeah I know, but I love  Buzzfeed and they seriously make the best lists. This was one of them on the list for $6 and it had a link to Amazon. So, of course, I decided to give it a try. Before you ask I can't remember for the life of me who swore by the mask. If I come across it again I will saw it on here.

So this mask is in a simple package. I have no earthly clue have it says since I don't know Chinese, at least I think it is. If it's not I apologize. All the mask I saw at the time were similar to this. Honestly, I just went with the one with Prime shipping.

This is what it looks like out of the packaging. It looks like something you would have found at Ed Gein house. It has holes for your eyes, mouth, nose, and straps to wrap around the ears.

Once you put it on it feels super weird and you feel like Leatherface, you know with his starter face. I left it on for about 30 mins and it gets less awkward and weird as the time pasts. You can also feel the product soaking into your skin. Basically what you do is put on a pretty thick layer of your favorite or choice moisturizer. I used Origins Matte Moisturizer with Willowherb for is mine. Next, you will put on the mask, make sure it's in place and comfortable as it can be. Then you just wait for it to work its magic.


This was my face after 30 mins. I took it off and massaged in the remainder of the product a little, then left the rest to absorb. My Face was so soft and felt amazing. I'm pretty in love with this weird mask. Plus it's reusable. I rinsed mine after every use,  wipe it down a little, then hang it up to dry completely.  I suggest getting one of these if you have dry skin. I try to use mine once a  week or when my skin just feels terrible. It's really freaking lovely.

I got mine off Amazon for $6, so check it out and see what you can find. Let me know how you like it if you get one or already have one.


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