Product of the Week! Nature's Bounty Energy Gummies

I've decided I'm going to use Friday as a  Product of the weekday instead of just a  random theme. I'm going to pick one product I like and review it.

This week I'm picking a vitamin. I know what you're thinking this isn't a beautiful thing?  really..... isn't it? I  think it is. Being healthy is an important part of beauty as is generally feeling good.  This is a  review of an energy vitamin, trust me if I don't have the right amount of energy there is no amount of makeup is going to look good or be done well.

I've been trying to be on a big health kick lately and get my body in order before it becomes the death of me.

I  started a  few months back taking vitamins including  b12 and hair skin and nail ones. I was good til I  had to go out of town for 2 weeks and left them at home. Once I came back though I wanted to get back on to it.

If you take vitamins then you already know they are expensive AF! Luckily for me and you since you are reading this there is a  secret you should know about if you already don't. CVS has a BOGO sale on vitamins at least once a  month or every 2  months.  So I will stalk their adds to see when it's happening so I can stalk up for a couple months.  These gummies are like $8 or $9 a  pop so if you get them during the sale you are getting them for half the price. It's a  sweet deal! If anyone knows of anything better please let me know so I can share!

Anyways on to these Vitamins.


I had been taking just B12 vitamins when I  found these and decided o  give them a  try.

These have 250 mcg of B-12, 50 mg Blend of Guarana Seed, Kola Nut & Green Tea Extract per serving which intrigued me.  Let me break this ingredient down some. I took to everyone's trusted I need medical info website WebMD. Which surprisingly for once didn't make me think I was dying.  I also referenced a  few others.

B12  does so much for your bodies such as helping make your DNA (seems crazy) and red blood cells. Since our body doesn't really make vitamin B12, we have to get it from animal-based foods or supplements. It's something you should take in on a regular basis because your body doesn’t actually store vitamin B12.

Guarana Seed is used for weight loss, as a Stimulant to enhance athletic performance,  and to reduce mental and physical fatigue. It's a common ingredient in both energy and weight loss based products.

Kola Nut is used for short-term relief of fatigue, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), melancholy, lack of normal muscle tone, exhaustion, dysentery, a type of diarrhea called atonic diarrhea, weight loss, and migraine headaches. Also as a flavoring ingredient in food and drinks.

Green Tea Extract is taken to improve mental alertness and thinking. Also for depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), weight loss and to treat stomach disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancers.

As you can see that's quite of list of main ingredients that all seem to be for the good of your body.

I've taken a  full month of them. There are  60 gummies in a bottle so that's basically months worth since you take 2 a  day.  I like to take one with breakfast and then wait a little bit and take the other.

First off they are delicious and they aren't hard like some gummies are. I'm pretty impressed with them and I do generally feel better taking them.  I've always been one that struggles with keeping my energy going and I will rely on my Monsters to get me through the day.  While I do still drink Monster I find myself drinking less and less of it. I will drink some first thing then about  30 mins to an hour after this gummy I  start feeling it.

I've not gotten sick or nauseous after taking it like you will with some vitamins.  I'm really happy with these and highly recommend them if you are looking for something in the  energy department.  If you want some more information on them I have included a  link to the product on the company's website.

Nature's Bounty Energy Gummies Info


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