September Slam Crate


I know I just posted about my last one like 2 weeks ago. Well, that one was late, this one was actually on time and didn't come the following month.  Also, I get too many boxes. I really need to stop but this one is already paid up so. Plus I love it. I really do. This is the last one for this round to finish out all random subscriptions and I will get back to makeup on Friday.

This month's theme is Better Than You. All the products are of Superstars whose gimmick is that they are the Best. Better than anyone else.


Here is an overview of what's in the box with descriptions.


This month's interview is with Alexis Bliss, who will always tell you she is better than you. Her career with WWE actually backs that up. Whether you like her or not you can't deny that she is talented. They changed up the interviews this month where it is extended version, with I actually kinda like cause you to get more.  However, I did like the short ones they were doing up till this point as well.


This month's poster is of the Miztourage, which was a  stable that flat out told you they were better than you. The Miz thinks he is better than everyone. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas are both 3rd Generation wrestlers, so this was a great push for them. I like that they included them in this.


Sticking with The Miz they included this "Hello, I'm Awesome!" patch. I actually kind of dig it. I really like patches and I have a couple that I've not really done anything with. I may have to put it on my backpack.


Sometimes they put weird things in these boxes. I originally thought this was a set of pillowcases but it turns out its a throw pillow. It's a simple square pillow which is lovely. I have it on my couch right now and it's been pretty great. It's not hard or stiff which I was worried it might be. The material of it you can use to make record scratches on. That's the best way I can describe it. I really dig it though and it will live on my couch forever now.

This month's figure is of Alexa Bliss. This is the 2nd  women superstar I have gotten in one of these. I like that they are including women in these. I don't think this looks like her at all. Unlike the action figures that do look like her so I'm a little disappointed in that. Honestly, this one will probably just stay in the box cause I'm not a big fan of hers. She has been featured in the box before so I wish they would have used someone else. She does go with the theme of the box so I understood why it's her.

This month's shirt makes you want to Walk with Elias. If you don't watch wrestling this guy think he is the greatest musician on the planet. He actually isn't' too bad, he is also a pretty good wrestler. He is not my cup of Tea so I'm actually giving this shirt to my buddy Darian who loves Elias. This shirt is soft and deserves to be worn and not lost in my drawer.


A Tiny feature of this shirt that I didn't even notice till I was putting the post together. There is a tiny Braun Strowman on the label with his stand up bass. It's from the spot they did on Raw for the Symphony of Destruction match, which honestly may be one of my favorite things ever. Go find it on YouTube it's a  damn good time.

As always you get a pin which I love. This one is the Raw Women's Championship. Which I get since Alexa was the former women's champ and she was already featured in the box. Plus Ronda Rousey is the current champ and everyone else says she is better than the rest. I'm not saying she isn't, cause she is a  badass. They have just shoved her down our throats so much at this point. She is a great athletic and seems actually happy to be there so I don't really want to hate her.

I'm pretty happy with this box. The stuff it wasn't too bad to the point it's going to be useless to me. I still wish they would mix it up and include other superstars in the crates. I do feel like they could have put others in this box. It thinks Dolph Ziggler would have been a  good choice since he does like to tell people is the best. Plus this one was a complete group of  Heels aka the bad guys.

If you want to sign up for this or any loot crate there is a  link below.

Sign up for Loot Crate.


Naked Palette


Summer Walmart Beauty Box