Happy New Year!
As this year is closing out I can only look back at all the things that happened. So I decided to make a list.
we moved back into my childhood home
I celebrated my 30th birthday
I figured out my eyebrows
celebrated 1 year of this blog
I realized I needed to get my life and health in check
learned how to manage pain
started working on becoming a master trainer for my 9-5 job.
converted my blog to a website
A lot has happened and I still have a lot to learn. Sometimes I think I haven't really changed much, but I have. I realized just how much based on my on this day memories from Facebook today.
2016 was went I really started figuring out my makeup.
2017- figuring out contouring but not a lot changed
2018- I finally up'd my game and got my contour figured out. Most importantly my damn eyebrows. Plus I had to bring back my glitter eyeshadow.
apart you can't tell the difference but altogether you can see it. I'm excited about the future and want else I can create.
Here is to the next year and whatever bullshit it may bring.