Equate Makeup Remover Wipes

I've been buying stuff lately either random or needed things when I come across them. So when I was at Walmart a couple weeks ago I grabbed these. Which was something I needed, I always like to have makeup wipes around. It's something about having an already ready wipe to take off your makeup that's just satisfying.


These have been my go-to wipes for years. I've tried several others but these are always come out better for me. Plus these are a pack of wipes that contains 10 or more which is basically bulk for under $5. Seriously how can you beat that?


Here I am with full makeup, even though it doesn't actually look like it. The angle ruined it.


You can actually tell I am wearing makeup here. The left I have removed my makeup.

These wipes are a light simple formula that doesn't irritate or dry out my skin. Plus I only have to use 1 wipe to get all my makeup off. There are some out there that I have to use a couple to remove my foundation. Those have been high priced on too. Come on, if I'm paying a lot of money for makeup wipes to only get like 12 of them then they better clean my entire bathroom. It's just sad that we have to pay an obscene amount for a  product that doesn't even work as good as it should. This may be why I like really like these and they are easy to just go grab since every Walmart has them. Plus you can order them online. They have them in more bulk that the  40 count I got. They also have several types for various reasons such as sensitive skin and refreshing wipes. I paid $3.48 in store for this which is the same price as on the site. As always there is a  link below

Buy Equate Makeup Removers Wipes from Walmart.

What wipes are you currently using? Are they worth the money?


Stila One Step Correct


March 2018 Slam Crate