May Play! by Sephora


I was gonna do these last week and changed my mind at the last minute and decided to save my beauty subscription to finish out the month of May.

This month's theme is  Beauty Goals.

This full page for this month was beauty goals now and then which I dig cause it shows how far we have truly come.


This is a  denim bag which is weird and I'm not sure how I feel about it really.


I have gotten B&B  products in the box before and I have been fairly pleased with them. So I was excited to give this a  try. I used it on my hair after a  shower, but instead of blow drying it I just braided it and went to bed.  When I woke up the next morning my hair was this beautiful mess of soft and full body hair. I dig this one if you need a little extra to your hair, especially if it's super straight like mine. The only issue with it is I have felt like I have washed my hair more when using it, but that may just because it's been hot.


They brought back the perfume this month. It's one I have gotten a  few times before so I was a little disappointed but this is a  scent I dig so I was too upset. This one is a  lovely light floral scent. It's literally a  Flower Bomb.


I love face masks, so I was excited about this one. This is a Purifying & Mattifying mud mask. It's a nice little mask I have used it several times. It's not super heavy to where it feels like it's weighing down your skin. This one actually gives a little minty tingle at the beginning which I like. It's super easy to go on and I left it on for about 15 mins. I used a wet washcloth to take it off and my skin super soft and with a slight glow.


This is another one I have gotten in a box before. This is a nice primer so I'm not too upset. I  adore Benefit and I'm never disappointed in them. This is a perfect primer if you are looking for one. It goes on smooth and does make my make up always look good.

Another one I have gotten before. However, this is one of my favorite Eyeliners and I can't find my other one so this was perfect timing. If you need a long-lasting liner this one is it.


It's a super dark black liner that goes on in perfection. This one was featured in the box due to  Kat's 10th anniversary and the fact that there was a review of this liner that made the news. A girl wearing the liner got in a  car accident and her liner didn't budge. If that doesn't say something about this stuff I don't know what else I can say.


I think I was most excited about this highlighter than anything. I have dabbled in Becca products but not fully. I've not had any issues out of them, plus I love a good highlighter. This one looks so stunning on due to the shine it packs. Some highlighters don't show well where I'm so pale but this one is perfect. I really need to invest more in Becca.


I am pretty happy with the box. All the products are great ones, even if they are ones I've gotten before. I can't really complain too much since I didn't get shit products. Seriously I think I would be way more upset if I got products I hated.  I do wish I would have gotten more than I hadn't tired. Here to next month's having fun surprises in it.

Who gets a Play! Box?  if so what did you get?

As always if you are interested in signing up  I have included a  link below.

Sign up for Play! by Sephora.


May Ipsy Glam Bag


I got nothing