Pacifica Crystal Melon Makeup Wipes

So I'm starting the week off with these. Which I know these are kinda more skincare but They are for makeup so It's like the crossover from one to the other.

These are the Crystal Melon Makeup Removing Wipes.  I really dig the packaging cause it keeps with the theme of the collection.

These wipes are apparently infused with a natural fiber that helps remove toxins, makeup, oil, dirt, and whatever else that your face may encounter. They suggest using prior to moisturizer and along with your cleansing water. Like with the rest of the collection is contact watermelon, rose quartz, and lemongrass.


So the picture on the left is my makeup at the end of the day. the right is me trying to remove it with these wipes. They are terrible! They literally did nothing and that was with scrubbing. I eventually got tired of it and tossed it. You can legit see it on my face how unhappy I was with these.

This was the wipe after with basically nothing on it. I am so disappointed with these. In theory, they are great wipes infused with crystals it's right up my alley since I'm obsessed with crystal. However, these aren't worth it. I don't know if I bad pack or if they leaked or what happened.


So I decided to give them another try. On the left you see me with dark makeup on, I did take my mascara off which is a habit I usually do beforehand. The right you can see the aftermath, which I still don't look too happy about it. The second time it did take more off but not much. I don't know if the first wipe did was damp enough or what happened.

This is the wipe after which is completely covered but it still didn't leave me as clean as some wipes I have used. I don't know if it will get better as  I get to the bottom of the pack or what.

I just still not pleased with them. They may work better if you don't wear a lot of makeup like I do. They work better if you just need a refreshing wipe after a workout or when you wake up just to clean up your face.  Honestly, I'm disappointed in them.  It's not something that will make me just toss all my Pacifica or anything but it will make me not want to buy their wipes. If anyone has had a  better experience with them please let me know I would love to hear about it.

The pack I  got was a mini which I got for 50% off since Ulta has been having a BOGO sale on the brand. They go for $5 but the full size goes for $6. Which is weird I don't believe they had the full size when I ordered actually. I have included a link to where to buy below if you are interested.

Buy Crystal Melon Makeup Wipes from Pacificia.

Buy Crystal Melon Makeup Wipes from Ulta.


Black Crystals Mascara


Last day of my 20s