Pastel Goth Palette Review


This is one of my favorite palettes!

As I've stated several times I'm obsessed with Kat Von D Beauty and when I 1st  heard of this coming out I was so excited I couldn't stand it.

Reason being, I'm a  girl who would have always chosen to wear mostly black. I have the rogue grey, white or even a couple colored t-shirts.  I prefer black for the most part. In today's culture if you are a  person you love black clothing and darker colors, you have automatically labeled a  goth. There is nothing wrong with that, to each their own. I do tend to lean more toward the goth/punk/alternative culture. That's just my personality though.

As a  person who mostly wears black but has a strange love of colors, especially pastels. This was a  dream palette for me. It would be me if I  was a palette, but only if glittered. Hopefully, Kat will make that happen and I will lose it.

The box  design is perfect for the   palette. I love the  dripping  text and the fade effect  with all the  colors.  The box and the Palette it'self are identical. Which I always  love with any  palette I get.

The back of the  box shows you the  colors with the names. The actually  palette is  just  black and  Silver with the  color names in  them. I wish I would have gotten a  picture  before  some of them have  faded. Since it's one that I will carry in my purse with me it's faded some of the  text on the  back.

This was the  1st  swatch I did and it didn't read very well.  I honestly think it's my skin tone. I'm so pale that nothing on the light side ever reads like it should. As you can see the Palette colors are intense and bright in the black palette.

The one above is the 2nd swatch sets I  tried to lay it on so you could see the intensity. They go so perfectly and beautiful once you put them on. That is without a  primer. However with a primer, all bets are off, it's so intense and bright it's crazy.

Starting from the top I'm gonna talk about these colors.

Star- Yellow of course. When you think of a  Star you will typical think yellow. I know I do. This color is bright and intense. It works really well with other colors. I like to use it with pink and blue.

Clementine- the peachy orange color. Which typically I'm not a big fan of the color orange at all. This is a little on the light side so It's not a bright orange. It's pretty but still not for me.  The is actually the name of a type of orange so it makes sense.

Meow-It's a  lighter shade of a darker pink.  If that even makes sense. I feel like it started off as a darker pinker that they just lightened up. Which is perfect. The name fits it since as well since it's basically the color of a kitten's nose. Well, at least my kitten's.

Dope- A purple that's a  little on the violet side. I get really into purples sometimes. It's a good color that always read really well. It's a pretty dope color too. I like to mix it with the yellow, blue, and pink.

Doom- Bright baby blue. I like to think of it as doom blue. This may be the rights of all the colors. It's intense and goes over really well in general. This one you can mix with any of the other colors in the palette.

Gloom- Green on the dark side. It's really a gloomy looking green. It's a nice color that works well when you wear it.

Dagger-  Grey, literally the color of a  dagger. It's named very well. It uses it for my crease to add a little extra light shading. Cause it's really not to dark but it's not so light that it doesn't work.

 Skull-  Super bright White. I think with most palettes they have to have a  super light color. Since this is a pastel palette white was the best choice for it. I love white eyeshadow in general. I use it in the corner of my eye to brighten up my eyes. As far as white eyeshadow does Kat makes the best, at least as far as I've encountered.

I really love this palette. The colors are amazing and are such a perfect formula that it's extremely pleasing.

I  ordered this one off of Kat's website since Sephora was completely sold out.  I've not been able to find them anywhere the past month. This  may be one that is only in  a couple of the  stores. If you come  across one  I definitely  recommend snatching it up.



Kat Von D's Alchemist Palette

