African Black Soap


I have literally sat here all day trying to figure out what to post, what to write about, or what the hell to even review.  Everything I  started either wasn't available any longer or something completely rogue.  Honestly, it was unmotivating so I  just gave up for a  bit. Finally, I said fuck it and decided on this one.

I found this product at Marshall's a couple months ago and have been using it on and off since this. 

This is liquid African Black Soap from  W.S.Soap Co, which is not a  brand I can find anywhere on the internet. I spent 30 mins looking for them and just gave up. The bottle is simple enough that it could be some rogue brand that's not really a thing yet or even discontinued.  I got a  bar of African Black Soap last year that I liked but ended up tossing cause it was a  massive bar of soap wasting away in my shower.  So when I saw this I decided to grab it.

Reasons I bought this

  • It had a pump on it which is honestly just a convenience 

  • Can be  used a facial cleanser,  makeup remover,  shampoo, and  body wash

  • Vegan

  • Paraben-free

  • it's massive

  • it was $5

The ingredients in it are readable and not anything too crazy. 

This is a Formulated African Black soap mixed with Coconut oil that gently cleanses leaving you with a clean feeling. The rest of the side label also gives you some more instructions on how to use it. Honestly, it's really simple but I wanted to include it for anyone that is interested.

Since this can be used for several different things, which I did try all of them. I wanted to list them to you separately. 

  • Facial Cleanser- it works perfectly as a simple light cleanser. It suds up really well and leaves my face actually feeling clean. 

  • Makeup Remover- I have used it with a  full face of makeup and after I have removed most of it. Honestly, it takes it all over without any issues and little to no residue. 

  • Shampoo- This one works great a refresher if you feel like you need to clean your hair without anything added to it. There really isn't a lot to it and it lathers perfectly and it's not hard to rinse out. Both I and My wife have used this and had great results. 

  • Body Wash- Same as above it works great and leaves your skin feeling legitly clean. It's not one that I like to use everyday cause I feel like it dries out my skin but once a week. Honestly, it's a great skin detox.

I really wish I could find out more about this brand and stuff cause I really do love it. I don't know what I will do when it runs out.  I will have to go back to Marshall's and see if there is any more of it.

If anyone finds out and know anything about it, by all means, please let me know. 

Is there a  rogue product you found that you just love? tell me about it. I'd love to try it. 


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