Weekend Binge Review


So I spent the weekend listening and watching a couple of things and decided I wanted to just to do a quick review post of them.

Let me start with music since Friday was filled with new releases that I have listened to all weekend.

So Eminem released another surprise album. There were rumors it was supposed to come on in December but came out Friday and dominated everything. Honestly, I love this album and have listened to it about 7 times. I'm a big fan so anything he puts on I'm all for. I know people hate it but it's Eminem if you have listened from the jump you get it. I know he isn't everyone cups of Tea and that's fine. I adore the man and it seems like everything he puts out is just when I need it.

The title and the cover is perfection and I'm super into it. I love the Hitchcock tribute.

My favorite tracks are In Too Deep, Godzilla and Yah Yah.


I have only in the past few months gotten really into Halsey so when I saw this I added it to my Apple Music. The whole album is wonderful. She is so talented and has a way with words that I just adore. She deserves good things and this album proves it.

Favorite tracks I Hate Everyone, Without Me, and Killing boys which using a sound bite for Jennifer's Body.

Both of these albums are currently on  Apple Music or Spotify. Another one I added but haven't listened to is Mac Miller's new one, I have heard some of his stuff but not fully listened so I'm gonna go back and listen to previous albums first.

Now let's talk TV,  Well Netflix since my next  2  recommendations are from there. 

I'm not a football fan but if you have been on the internet then you have heard about this. Since I like true crime I watched this and once I started it I couldn't stop. Honestly, I almost sided with him till I found out about the other shit he did before the murder of Odin Llyod. Everything about this is insane like you will find yourself screaming at the tv like what is going on  and how in the hell did it get this far.  I suggest giving it a watch especially if you got like 3 hours to kill.


I turned this simply cause I love RuPaul and I wasn't disappointed. This is an adorable show about a  drag queen and neighbor child trying to figure out life after it all went to shit. Honestly, it's a feel-good time and I love it.  If you want something to make you cry and laugh this is it. Go watch it. 

I have a  bunch of posts started but not finished so those will be coming soon I promise. Honestly, I have been down lately to the point I just go to work then go back to laying in bed after.  I always get depressed and check out this time in January so I get lost in music or tv to help me get through it.

If you have any recommendations please let me know I would love to hear them. 


Tartiest Contour Palette III


Undead Girl Gang review.