I'm not writing this post to tell you all about what today is. I am making this post today to bring awareness to the holiday and give you some resources so that you can educate yourself. I am not going to lie I have been dumb to some of this stuff until recently, but I'm trying to educate myself. I suggest you do the same so you can fully understand why we are protesting and why the outage in the world today is important.
Here are some links that I found while research today.
Juneteenth Offical Website. This is a whole website dedicated to this day. It's full of so much information and things you can do.
Juneteenth page on History.com The page was just updated yesterday. History.com is a site you can get lost in and I have always enjoyed going through to learn about Historial events.
There are several more from newspapers that are using their platforms to speak about the importance of today. I suggest you go give it a google. Educate yourself.