Inspired Mama


I am bringing you another book review today. This one is kind of special. Mainly because I had someone actually contact me and ask me if I would be interested in reading and reviewing this book.  They saw one of my other book reviews and thought it would be something I would be interested in. It was a nice surprise. So after a quick google search of the book, I decided to do it.

This book is an easy read which I really like especially with self-help or motivational book. Mainly cause some can get too wordy and do more harm than good sometimes.

Sez Kristiansen was born in Southern Africa and has traveled throughout her life. Also lived in some remote places which she tells you about how she had to make adjustments to herself and her way of life in different climates. Especially after becoming a mother, how she had to make changes that she had to pull herself out of it the mental hole she was in.

Throughout this book, Sez goes through some practices to help you change your mindset. Honestly some of them I'm not sure how I didn't think of cause it's simple little things. As I was reading the book I started to try some of her suggestions to feel them for myself. I was surprised by how easy it was.  Also, it was nice to know that there were a few things she suggested that I already did such as grounding myself. If you haven't done it before go outside and put your bare feet in the grass and just enjoy nature.

One thing that Sez said early on in this book that stuck with me was this, "Letting go is an act of self-empowerment that will change your life.". I couldn't get it out of my head and kept coming back to it. So I wrote it down as a  reminder. Cause it's true you have to let go of things to be able to change your life sometimes.

Actually, there were a few quotes from the book that I just loved and I feel like this one sums up the book perfectly. "This guide does not require or expect perfection but encourages you to embrace your imperfections. To flourish, you must first get down into the dirt, so welcome these challenges with an open and curious mind."

As I have already stated this book is written in a  way to help change your mindset. Which honestly is something that you don't think you need to do. However, it's one of the most important things to do if you truly want to change your life for the better.  You have to start Intentional living and not just going with the flow. This book is about taking back the control that already belongs to you. Now this book based on the title seems like it's mainly directed at mothers or soon to be mothers. While I am a stepmother to a wonderful son I did feel strange reading the book. However this book I would recommend to someone who isn't a mother. Since it's really just one women's journey of changing her life and not a direct guide to being a mother.

If you are looking for a book to inspire you this is a good one to get. You can get it on the Publisher website or for your kindle on Amazon. I have included links below.

Buy Inspired Mama on Amazon.

TCK Publishing Website.

Check out Sez Kristiansen's website.


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