Murder Docs I watched in January 2021


I have been all over the place recently. I’ve been busy with work to the point I don’t feel like looking at a computer or even putting forth any effort afterward. I would complain more but they pay me and I’m getting overtime so.

I have been watching a couple of things here and there. Mainly a bunch of Murder Documentaries because that’s who I am as a person. I’m gonna review the ones I’ve watched.


This is a 4 episode series on the Yorkshire Ripper, which I really enjoyed. The first 3 episode covers the actual victims before they ever get into the actual ripper. That’s a nice thing that most murder documentaries rarely do it’s usually all about the killer. The only thing I didn’t care for is the way they refer some of them as prostitutes or streetwalkers. However, you do have to take into mind this was a different time and country so it was different. If you don’t know anything about The Ripper then this is a good one to watch, it’s on Netflix. Also, I did a video of myself doing my makeup to the 1st episode which is up on my Youtube Channel if you are interested in that.

One course I watched this one. I will always watch anything on Ramirez and this one was done so fucking well. They did this one most from the Cops and eye witness point of view. Also the recreations they did of this were all animated perfectly. This one is 4 episodes as well and I really enjoyed it. I will probably watch it again.


This is also 4 episode about one man’s journey of trying to figure out who killed his mother. He goes through home movies, interviews family and friends to try and see what went wrong. This is a good watch and it’s also intense. It weird to watch family members accuse each other of murder. I know it happens and they all make good cases as to why. This one will leave you wanting to know more and who killed her.


I turned this one on Amazon Prime just based on the name of it. This one is about a the amount of suicides from one school. These are suicides from past students but raised some questions as to what the hell was going on. One women started to research what was happening to not only her fellow classmates but from several people that went to the school to uncover the dark side of it all and how the school tired to cover it up. This one is a hard watch cause I kept getting distracted then pulled back in. That could just be me though.


This was a 20/20 episode on ABC that I really only watched cause Billy Jenson was in it. Since this is a case that he has investigated himself. This one covers the Serial Killer Terry Rasmussen and all the things he did over his time. Most noticeable was the Allentowns 4 which is what I was aware of, but this episode goes in to much more than that. I don’t know how this dude got away with all the things he did. If you don’t know anything about this one watch it. There is also some podcast on this case. I know the Murder Squad covers it and There is a Bear Brook podcast on it all as well.


This one popped up on my Hulu and I watched it cause for years I’ve been obsessed with this case. Mainly since I saw it on the E! 20 Most Shocking Unsolved Crimes back in the day. I will check on this case every once in a while and go down a rabbit hole. I hadn’t seen this one yet which is a good watch if you know nothing about the case. This one is 3 episode it cover Chandra’s Life then the suspects and finally a plot twist. I really liked it and learned some more things I didn’t know with it.


This is a 6 episode series that covers cases that were believed to be highly influenced by the media. It covers some better-known ones like the Jenny Jones Murders and Rod Blagojevich, the others I wasn’t as aware of. This one is a great watch cause it goes into how the media can spin things or at least put things out there. It definitely makes you think about things. Also how Media can be good to bring forth the truth or make things take a dark turn.

I know another JonBenet thing. I’m obsessed but honestly who isn’t? I will always watch whatever I can on this case until it’s actually solved. This one goes a little deeper and brings up some things that an investigator found. His family is using the information he found to try to complete his work. He thinks it’s outside which is what I think too. I really liked this one and it was done really well. Some are just too much these days but this wasn’t one of them.

I’m really into 20/20 these days, honesty I feel like I have slept on them. They have had some good ones. This one is on Rodney Alcala the Dating Game killer, he is named that since he went on the Dating Game during his killing spree and won. Thankfully the girl got a creep vibe from him and didn’t go. This dude is intense. He had a spree that spanned years and he should have been caught. This is another case of him going to jail and being released for whatever reason. I knew things about this case but not as much as I thought. As I was watching I heard my name and looked up to see the name of a Victim that had a similar last name to mine. He killed a total of 2 women named Jill which for some reason fucked with me. This is a case that still remains open for the most part cause he posed as a photographer and had a ton of pictures. They have been trying to identify these women for years just to make sure they are ok or were other victims. Please look into this one and see if you recognize anyone.

Does anyone got any murder Doc Recommendations? If so please send them my way.


Life is dizzy


Skincare Sunday 1/31/2021