I'm having trouble keeping focused.

Oh Hi,

I have a blog. I forget a lot. I don’t know why I think I’m just tired.

I’ve been working later like the mid-day shift so when I take my Medicine in the morning when I wake up at like 8 in the morning it starts wearing off near the end of the day. So when it starts wearing off it’s like my brain shuts the fuck down.

I’m a shit.

I did a craft fair and mass-made a bunch of stuff. I made $36 which is better than nothing. I think I was just burnt out on everything. Plus the Vertigo has been in and out but is under control.

I went for a run this morning. Which is progress since I’ve been not working out in any sense. I also have to get my diet in check cause certain foods are killing my body and energy levels. I’m figuring it out and exploring things. I also have a billion posts half typed up. My Wifi has been weird for days and I think I just fixed it so I’m taking the wins today.

I will be back full force soon. I have a lot of fun items and things bouncing around my head. I wanna share.

Oh and the post for the picture I took this past weekend. I have come to realize I have a lot of Comfort objects I tend to grab at random times. Case in point this Dolph Ziggler hoodie I got on sale years ok. It’s oversized and cozy. Also reminds me that I am Too Good.

ok, that’s it now.

Love you byeeeeeee.


IPSY Glam Bag November 2021


Peace Out Acne Champs