Skincare Sunday 5/16/21


I actually did this one this morning as opposed to doing them on Saturday’s which is my Sunday but I was busy cleaning my house. I have been tearing apart, throwing everything I can away, and rearranging my whole house. My parents were packrats and I’ve finally decided it’s time to get rid of things that just no longer serve me. It’s been a lot. So therefore I woke up yesterday and automatically just started destroying things to take to the dump.

This past week I have been focusing on moisturizing products for my face since something I had been using was giving me either giving me a Chemical burn or allergic reaction. I actually think it’s the Fenty Moisturizer I just got. So I stopped using the whole set for a week. Now I’m going back and using one production at a time to make sure if it’s just that one and not the entire skincare as a whole.

  1. I washed my face with Belif Aqua Bomb Jelly Cleanser and My PMD Beauty Brush.

  2. I dried my face and applied this Generation Clay Brightening Purple Mask with this Morphe Brush.

  3. I took it off with warm water and this ECO Round.

  4. I used this Fenty Skin Care Fat Water as my toner, it’s my favorite of the collection so I’m hoping I’m not allergic to it.

  5. I used the Tatcha The Water Cream for my Moisturizer

  6. I finished it off with Farsali Unicorn Lip Mask.


Cetaphil Gentle Foaming Cleanser.


Huda Beauty Neon Pink Palette