Things I watched in Feb 2022


Here is a random list of things I watch in February and maybe a little in January. Honestly I’m not entirely sure cause I have lost track of time.

I watched this purely cause someone at work told me that a character in the show had the same name as me and said it was a good show. So I watched it and they were right. This one is all over the place and if you don’t pay attention you could miss something. I need another season of this one cause I have some damn questions that I need answered. It’s on Netflix.

Season 2 of this came out on Hulu. It was even better than the 1st one. I really dig this show and the Characters. Go watch it.

This one was a fun watch. This whole story is wild and I honestly can’t believe she got away with it as long as she did. I enjoyed this one. It’s on Netflix.

30 mins into this one I was screaming at the TV, cause this dude pissed me off. This one was also wild given how much this dude got away with. If anyone ever wants to only contact you on the Whatsup app or Snapchat it’s an instant red flag. Block them and move on. I feel for these woman, being in love makes you do crazy things.

This one made me sad cause there is still a women out there being manipulate by this man. It’s only like 3 episode and it’s an interesting watch. It’s on Netflix.

I am an hit and miss with Horror movie remakes. This one was pretty good. I liked it and it was put together really well. Also the special effects were good.

This one has a couple of seasons on Netflix. It has law Enforcement telling the story of how they caught killers. This was really well done and it really shows how involved the people telling the story actually were and how much it affected them. This is a good watch.




3 Gummy Bears and a Bang