
Fun Fact about me Sunflowers by Van Gogh is my favorite painting.

Most people will pick Starry Night which is stunning but Sunflower makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me instantly happy. It's one of the first painting I can remember seeing. Due to that, I am obsessed with Sunflowers to the point I made my bridesmaid's carry them at my wedding. They were a feature in some centerpieces that now resides in my home simple cause I love them. 

Last Year I planted some, even though they didn't last long I was in love for the little time they were alive. I will be replanting them this year.

This painting is perfect with the patterns that the brushstrokes make different from the last. The dimensions of colors in the sunflowers, the chrome yellow. Everything about this excites me and makes me fall in love. 

As a sort of new year's resolution, I have been reading an Everyday Artbook which features 365 pages art everything. I have had the book since college when I was majoring in Art. Another fun fact  I have a  Bachelor's of Art.  I have started the book a couple of times but never finished. This year I'm going to so in doing so it may provoke some posts. Hell, I  hope it provokes a shit ton. 

Today's page was of course about Sunflowers, which made me happy and inspired to tell everyone about it. 

Do you have a  favorite painting? Tell me about it. 



January Slam Crate


List of Things that help Gastritis.