UDxGOT Palette


So here we are at the end of the week. This is the last of my reviews of the Urban Decay and Game of Thrones Collection. It's been a fun week and I have really enjoyed this collection since I'm a huge fan of the show.

Fun Fact about me. I didn't start watching it til maybe season 5. Before me and my wife even started dating she made me watch it from the beginning. So I got it to download to my laptop and spent most of the time watching it and screaming at the said laptop. If that doesn't tell you something about the show then I don't know what will.

Let's finish this week with a bang and review this glorious palette.

Here we have the outer packing on the front you have the swords from the throne, and the back you have the colors of the palette laid out by the house. I am going to review the shades by houses and I have included an up close of these with it.

You get the palette summary as with the rest of the collection. It's that extra little touch that just adds to it all. 

Here is the map of Westeros again, still not completely sure if it's exact locations or what.

When you pull out the palette you get the full iron throne pattern on front and back. Also the HBO logo on the back cause well you have to put that there. Shoutout to HBO for making this show and allowing the collections to be a thing.  


When you open it up you get the map as a backdrop. There is a full-size mirror on the left which I like but I will tell you that this palette is a little too heavy to use it. Even with the eyeshadow not in it. My arm got tired after a while of holding it up to do my makeup. On the right, you get a quote from Dany about the 7 kings and the wheel which work well for this. 


When you pull that ribbon this pop-up Iron Throne and it's beautiful. I kinda want to display it somewhere but I also don't want to ruin it. 

Underneath the throne, you have an inspirational quote from Tyrion, who really has a way with words. Seriously thinking back he had some clever well put shit to say.

On the side of the palette, there is another ribbon so you can pull out the actual palette. Which you can take the whole slide palette out with is great when you are trying to use it with a  desk full of other bullshit.

First, off we have The North. These are colors base well in the north and the area around the wall.

Take the Black- Matte black with silver glitter

Frozen North- deep blue shimmer with blue and silver glitter

White Walker- Light icy blue shimmer with silver glitter

Free Folk- silver glitter shimmer with slight blue tones

Hardhome- silvery gold shimmer packed with glitter


Here is a look created using only The North colors and paired with the White Walker lipstick.

Second is House Stark is inspired by the Stark’s, including their home, one of the dire wolves, and their catch phrase.

Nymeria- dark tan matte

Weirwood Leaves- burgundy shimmer

Winter is Here- chocolate shimmer

The Sight- forest green shimmer with hints of silver glitter

Winterfell- intense gold glitter shimmer


I used only House Stark colors and paired it with the Sansa lipstick.

The Third is House Lannister, which includes inspiration using their home, house signature red, and the keepers.

Red Keep- orange shimmer with gold glitter

House Lannister- Light pink peachy matte

Casterly Rock- bronze shimmer

Lannister Red- burgundy matte

King’s Landing- Light white gold shimmer with gold glitter

All Lannister colors pair with the bronze Cersei lipstick. They are all on the same color wave.

Finally, House Targaryen, these colors are inspired by Dany’s home, people and her request for basically everyone.

Stormborn- Dark lavender shimmer with pink, blue, and purple glitter

Dothraki- gold shimmer

House Targaryen- peachy golden shimmer

Bend the Knee- amethyst shimmer with blue glitter

Bay of Dragons- Light baby pink packed with glitter in the same shade.


Finally, an all House Targaryen look and these shade may have been my favorite overall.

I really dig these colors and the names they chose for them so that all the important characters are represented in a way. The colors on absolute stunning and work well together and alone. I’m glad I was able to snatch this one up.

Now it’s over and I’m sad, I will think of it fondly and probably go back and watch the show again at some point. I am going to read the book, well probably listen to the audiobooks cause these books are thick. Also, George R. R. Martin is going to make a killing when the next one comes out cause it has a different ending than the show. This show was a big part of my life like I said it’s a thing me and my wife were into and probably always will be. There is still pop vinyl to collection so we will probably do that. Since my first one was a Dany cause we are House Targaryen here even though we do have a dire wolf.

I am gonna still attempt to find the rest of it. This palette is $65. It’s available online and at the links below.

Buy the GOT Palette from Sephora.

Buy the GOT Palette from Ulta.


May Ipsy Glam Bag


UDxGOT Vice Lipstick