Things I watched 3/1


So since I liked doing the last list I did so much I decided to do it again. This one was actually from like 2 weeks ago but got lost in my drafts. I'm posing it now


I watched this one cause I had seen some posts on Instagram and twitter about it. This one is an insanely good time of stole identity and the lengths someone will really go to for fame. I found myself screaming at parts of it cause it gets a bit intense.

Rating: 8/10 cause it's a little cheesy but good.


This show is based on the book which the movie with  John Cusack was based on. Zoe Kravitz plays his character and she is absolute perfection at it. I literally sat and binged watch this cause it is so good. Go Watch it all multiple times

Rating: 10/10


Did I only watch this cause I'm a  wrestling and horror fan? yup! sure did. I prefer Punk as a wrestler than an Actor honestly.  It's not a completely awful movie but it's super gory which I like. The storyline is a little all over the place. I liked it.

Rating: 6/10 it could have been a lot better, but it has potential.


I came across this on Netflix and thought what the hell lets watch something murdery. I clearly knew nothing about the Unbomber cause I was blown away by it all. Like I didn't know it went on as long as it did or that he was a  Doctor.  These are long episode but it's actually a  good watch if you want to kill about a  whole day and are interested in  Murder docs.

My Rating 8/10 cause some parts are a little boring


I found this movie randomly on Netflix cause I really love Anna Kendrick. I absolutely loved it. She has just broken up with her piece of shit boyfriend and randomly runs into this guy who is just a gem. Like he is wonderful and so carefree but is damn good at his job. I don't want to spoil it for you so I won't but I really enjoyed it and want to be them. I will probably watch it again.

My Rating: 10/10 Cause it's precious and I want a  sequel.


Things I watched 3/13


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