Things I watched 3/13


I somehow always end up spending my weekends in bed binge-watching things and doing art. Honestly this weekend I was on my period so I regret nothing. I needed to be in bed cuddling my puggle.

Here are some things I watched


I came across this on Amazon Prime so I just turned it on and couldn't stop it. I've always been a big fan of Jim Carrey and he is amazing in this. His character is very Mr. Rogers, but if he had a complete mental breakdown. It's actually quite beautiful seeing how he processes things. I loved it so much I signed up for a free trial of Showtime just to watch the second season.

Rating: 10/10


Of course, I watched this, it's just who I am as a person. This is a mini-season that is done from the girlfriend he has during most of the murders point of view. You also get to hear from her daughter and some of the victims and their families. This one is different from the other ones I've seen. I really enjoyed it.

Rating: 9/10

This is a movie from like 2004 that I have seen a bunch of times. I came across it on Netflix and had to watch it. This is the story of how a 14-year-old finds herself with the help of her friends. It a night of chaos all to beat the popular girls for the best seat at lunch. This movie is just a good time. There are parts that are cringy awful but it's just how these movies go. I love it. Also, this was the movie that introduced me to Evan Peters.

Rating: 8/10 cause these things don't happen and the dad is clueless.


This was just added to Disney + and I loved the first one that I just saw a couple of months ago. This one is the journey of Elsa finding this musical voice she keeps hearing. There is an adventure and some family secrets are exposed. I don't want to spoiler anything. This one was just as good and you find yourself singing along to it. I love it and will probably watch them both again.

Rating 10/10 cause I loved it.

I kept seeing this on my  Twitter Feed so I turned it on. This is a story about a kid who is befriended by his sister's boyfriend and just keeps being friends with him after the break-up.  It's kind of weird actually but Pete Davidson was the perfect person for this role and it's not a bad time. It's a little all over the place but it's funny.

Rating 7/10


I heard about this one in one of my murderino Facebook groups and finally came across it on Hulu since FX just added all their stuff on there. This is a  4 part series about this man who was adopted and is trying to figure out who exactly his parents are. During that search, he finds outs his dad's dark secret which leads him to believe that he is actually The Zodiac Killer. This series is based on the book he wrote with the same name and honestly, it's pretty interesting. I have always been interested in Zodiac so this take on it actually makes more sense than anything else I've heard.  I really dug it and I'm gonna have to get his book.

Rating 9/10 cause there are a couple of parts that made me shake my head. 

What have you all been watching? I am taking Suggestions. 


Break the Look Down


Things I watched 3/1