Rae Wellness Review


I have been on the search for new vitamins to try recently since I feel like the ones I was taking just weren’t working for me anymore. I had come across these several times and they are available at target. They were easy to access and the reviews of them weren’t too awful compare to some I looked at. Also, Rae is my middle name so haha.

I got 3 kinds for various reasons. I am going to review them individually.


Energy. I feel like I am always at low Energy for whatever reason so I’m always trying to find some that will work best to give me that extra boost that’s not coffee or an energy drink. So I took one of these the day I got them and about 30 mins later I got a burst of energy then it died 30 mins after that. I thought maybe it’s cause I only took 1 instead of the recommended 2. So I took 2 the next day and the same effect. I took these for a total of 3 days and it just kept happening. Honestly, they made me feel worst so I just stopped taking them. I know you are supposed to give vitamins time to process in your system but these just didn’t sit right with my body so I decided to not continue them.


Pre and Probiotic. One thing that is recommended for Gastritis is a probiotic. So I have always try to take one daily for that reason. I started taking this one before bed cause they made me a little nauseous if I took them in the morning or without food. So it worked that way I could just sleep it off. Also, there is nothing more refreshing than a good morning poop. Don’t lie you know it’s true. This was actually the only one that I like out of the 3.


Beauty. I have been taking a Hair, Skin, and Nail vitamin for years due to my nails being brittle. So anytime I try a new vitamin brand I try to get one for it. I didn’t really see a difference with these. My nails were awful and brittle. I also took these at night cause I got nauseous with them as well. I took these for a couple of weeks. There was really not change or anything.

I wasn’t really impressed with any of these so I canceled my subscription and moved on to something else. These are decent prices at $11.99 a bottle. If you want to try them they may work better for you. It could just be my body rebelling with them. They also have a lot of options available.

Rae Wellness Site


Skincare Sunday 4/11/21


Can't be 100 if you're only giving 95 or way less.